Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Food Composition Data & Food Safety

Food Composition Data
Foods are chemically analyzed for a variety of purposes. Food composition databases rely on nutritional and toxicological analyses conducted by government, academia and industry to determine the potential contributions of foods to the diet, and to determine compliance with regulations concerning composition, quality, safety and labeling. Foods may also be analyzed for the purpose of ongoing monitoring of the food supply. The estimation of nutrient intake from food consumption requires reliable data on food composition. These data are also the fundamentals of food-based dietary guidelines for healthy nutrition, containing the necessary information on food sources for different nutrients. Furthermore, food composition tables can provide information on chemical forms of nutrients and the presence and amounts of interacting components, and thus provide information on their bioavailability. For some nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin E and niacin, the concept of equivalence has been introduced to account for differences in the availability and biological activity of different chemical forms.

Impact of Food Composition Data for Food Safety
Levels of certain nutrients, additives and contaminants in foods are monitored for several reasons. Some nutrients, for example, may react adversely under particular processing conditions, producing poor sensory quality or affecting the safety of the food (e.g. trans fatty acids). Labeling regulations also require prescribed levels of nutrients in specific foods (e.g. vitamins and minerals in fortified foods, polyunsaturated fat levels in margarine). Certain toxic substances are limited to prescribed levels and are monitored by government, industry and other laboratories. The nutrient content of manufactured foods is rarely made available in electronic format to compilers, and care must be exercised when compiling databases using information provided on food labels.

Although most food composition tables focus on energy, macro and micronutrients, interest in non-nutritive components is increasing. Considering the beneficial effects of biologically active secondary plant cell compounds such as polyphenols and carotenoids, more data on these areas are needed. On the other hand, there are a number of naturally occurring or 'man-made' non-nutritive substances with negative effects, and to control exposure, the main dietary sources must be known. Another aspect is contaminants, which could have detrimental effects on consumers' health. Among these are agrochemicals, industrial pollutants reaching the food chain and substances formed during food preparation. A valid risk assessment requires data on exposure, and thus on the contents of contaminants in foods. However, these data are highly variable and may significantly differ even within narrowly confined regions.

Contaminants include mycotoxins, heavy metals and residues of pesticides, herbicides and animal growth promoters. The distribution of contaminants in foods is such that the concept of representative values for contaminants differs from that for nutrients. It may be misleading to list contaminant values in the same record as nutrients.

Bioactive substances
There has been a growing interest in the range of dietary phytochemicals in recent years, particularly in view of their possible protective action against cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. These include isothiocyanates, polyphenols, flavonoids, isoflavones, lignans, saponins and coumestrol (AICR, 1996; Pennington, 2002). Consequently, there is a parallel interest in the inclusion of phytochemicals in food composition databases (Ziegler, 2001).

Anti-nutrients and toxicants
Some constituents have undesirable physiological effects, for example, goitrogens, haemagglutinins, antivitamin factors, trypsin inhibitors, oxalic acid and phytic acid. Data for these components should be included for the relevant foods. Other important natural toxicants include solanine, cyanides, glucosinolates, lathyrogens, mimosine and nitrosamines.

 Many additives are measured, in whole or in part, during the course of nutrient analyses. Salts, for example, are included in analyses for various cations and anions; protein additives are determined in nitrogen analysis; and some emulsifiers and thickeners are included in analyses for nitrogen, starch and unavailable carbohydrates. Clearly, specific analyses are preferable. However, the need for data on additives and other non-nutrient components of foods may relate to priorities regarding food safety and not necessarily to nutritional priorities.

The data exist for other compounds of interest, such as caffeine, theophylline, theobromine, tannins and other bioactive compounds (carnosine, carnitine and creatinine), they should be listed in the database at least up to the reference level.
Benefits of Food Composition Data
In agriculture, factors such as disease resistance and yield, rather than nutritional value, have tended to dominate decision-making regarding policies and programmes. Similarly, in food technology economic considerations such as consumer appeal and profitability have been the major influences on product development. Attitudes are changing, however, and nutritional quality is now one of the factors considered in cultivar selection and the development of processed foods.  The production, handling, processing and preparation of foods profoundly affect their nutritional quality. Extensive literature covers agricultural practices (climate, geochemistry, husbandry, post-harvest treatments); processing methods (freezing, canning, drying, extrusion); and stages in food preparation (holding, cutting, cooking). Most nutritional studies in these areas, however, cover a limited range of nutrients (notably labile vitamins); very little information is provided on the broad range of nutrients (Henry and Chapman, 2002; Harris and Karmas, 1988; Bender, 1978; Rechigl, 1982).

In many countries, government agencies often assess diets at the population level, through national food consumption surveys, in order to monitor trends in nutritional status and to evaluate the impact of nutrition policy. FCD are also widely used in the development of recipes, meals and menus for therapeutic diets, institutional catering and the commercial foodservice industry. Dietitians and clinicians need to design therapeutic diets for patients with specific nutritional requirements associated with their condition (e.g. metabolic disorders, diabetes). FCD are also an important tool in planning menus in care homes, hospitals and prisons to ensure adequate nutrient content. There is also a move towards the provision of point-of-sale nutritional information in foodservice outlets, which has increased the application of food composition data in the foodservice industry. The demand for point-of-purchase information on nutrient content has also been a driving force behind the inclusion of nutritional information on food labels. This is in the form of nutrition panels and, increasingly, front-of-pack or ‘signpost’ labeling, which provides information for consumers in a simplified format. Nutrient profiling, a tool for categorizing foods on the basis of their nutrient content, is a relatively new application of FCD. It will help assess the eligibility of foods to bear nutrition and health claims under new EU regulations. Other uses of food composition data in relation to food manufacturing include optimization of product composition when developing new products.

FCD are also used to help identify the needs of nutrition education and health promotion and to implement appropriate strategies, such as targeted interventions. They form an integral part of, and an educational resource for, food and nutrition training in schools, tertiary education and, increasingly, in workplace settings. They also have more general applications in agriculture and trade. For example, FCD can be used to monitor the nutrient content, safety and authenticity of foods. Improvements to the food supply, such as plant breeding, and new methods of cultivation, harvesting and preservation can be assessed using FCD. Finally, they form part of the evidence base in support of initiatives on nutrition and biodiversity.


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