guys, I found a good reading recently and wanted to share it with you, this is
a part of a published document, as it is part of a chapter of a book. If you
want to read the full story please visit the Google books where you will find “Social
Impact of Spaceflight” :A book by Steven J. Dick, Chapter 12 – “From farm to
Fork”, How Space Food Standards Impacted the Food Industry and Changed Food Safety
Standards. By Jennifer Nazzal – Pages 219 – 236. I love the story from start to
end and we all envy How HACCP came in to the food industry and if you want to
know it as you are already working with it. Please read it it is the history of
our profession as food safety is in our veins.
you can directly reach the article by http://history.nasa.gov/sp4801-chapter12.pdf
Americans give a little thought to the safety of their food until they hear of
an E. coli outbreak or a recall of their favorite item. They may be surprised
to learn that Space age technology designed to protect the astronauts from food
poisoning has slowly become the safety standard for the food industry in the
U.S. and abroad. Dubbed the hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP)
system, this NASA spinoff has been called “the most revolutionary institutional
innovation to ensure food safety of the twentieth century.”[1]
A woman from Connecticut found glass in her
baby’s cereal. Soon after, Americans awoke to the news, hearing: “good morning
America, there’s glass in your baby food.” Pillsbury Company’s farina, a creamy
wheat cereal for infants, had been contaminated when shards of glass fell into
a storage bin at one of Pillsbury’s plants, forcing the company to recall the
cereal. Upon hearing the news, Robert J. Keith, chief executive officer of
Pillsbury, called Dr. Howard E. Bauman, a microbiologist and one of the
company’s research directors, into his office.[2] Keith had worked for
Pillsbury for more than 30 years and made his way up the corporate ladder,
becoming CEO and chairman of the Board in 1967. During the five years he served
in this position, he championed many popular causes, one of which included the
growing consumer movement. Led by advocate Ralph Nader, consumers increasingly
demanded safe food. Keith, sympathetic to such demands, told Bauman this incident
would not happen again. Customers needed to know that the company’s products
were safe.[3] Publicly, Pillsbury comforted customers by announcing a
“considerable change” in the company’s manufacturing processes, but this was
not a PR campaign designed to halt fading consumer confidence.[4] Significant
changes were underway at Pillsbury in response to the recall, Keith pushed
Pillsbury to implement a secure product safety system to minimize the
likelihood of another recall of the company’s food products.[5]

Would the Pillsbury Company be interested
in producing space food? After some discussion, the company accepted and began
working on cube-sized foods for the flight crews.[7] concerned about safety,
NASA engineers specified that the food could not crumble, thereby floating into
instrument panels or contaminating the capsule’s atmosphere. To meet the
outlined specifications, food technologists at Pillsbury developed a compressed
food bar with an edible coating to prevent the food from breaking apart. In
addition to processing food that would not damage the capsule’s electronics,
the food also had to be safe for the astronauts to consume. Almost immediately
food scientists and microbiologists determined that the assurance of food
safety was a problem. Bauman recalled that it was nearly impossible for
companies to guarantee that the food manufactured for the astronauts was
uncontaminated. “We quickly found by using standard methods of quality control
there was absolutely no way we could be assured there wouldn’t be a problem,”
he said.[8] to determine food safety for the flight crews, manufacturers had to
test a large percentage of their finished products, which involved a great deal
of expense and left little for the flights.[9] A survey conducted among experts
in the field indicated there was no single standard quality control program for
the food industry. Control programs were numerous and varied widely, according
to Bauman:“ our surveys indicated that there were about as many variations of
control programmes as there were quality control managers or government
inspectors.”[10] Thus, there was no program already in place that could readily
be used to provide a 100 percent guarantee of food safety.
While Pillsbury was dealing with issues of
food contamination, Paul Lachance completed a tour of duty with the U.S. Air Force
aeromedical research laboratories at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton,
Ohio. He was well aware of the issues concerning astronaut food as the air
force laboratory provided support for the preflight feeding of the mercury
astronauts. Given his experience with project mercury, NASA recruited him and
offered him the position of flight food and nutrition coordinator at the manned
Spacecraft center in Houston.[11] When Lachance arrived in September 1963, he
began evaluating the Gemini and Apollo food systems, which were not very far
along in development. Food safety for astronauts became an overriding concern
for Lachance, who did not want a late night telephone call from Charles A.
Berry “who was the chief medical officer of NASA, telling me that his astronaut
or astronauts were sick and had stomach problems and were having a hard time
holding things down.” Lachance also wanted to avoid putting the crews in
jeopardy, and he began thinking about the potential microbiological, physical,
and chemical dangers space foods might pose. Microbiological hazards became an
overriding concern after NASA found that many of the ingredients they purchased
were contaminated with viral or bacterial pathogens. There had to be some way
to minimize or eliminate these hazards, Lachance explained.[12] But no one was sure
how to conduct a thorough hazard analysis, Bauman recalled. Eventually a
suitable model, called the “modes of failure,” was located, adopted, and

This was a substantial change for the food
manufacturers contracted to develop the Gemini food system. Previously, food
processors had not measured pathogens unless they encountered bouts of food
poisoning. By contrast, a hazard analysis required contractors to conduct pre-
and in-process microbiology tests of food ingredients to ensure the health of
the astronauts. Manufacturers had to assure NASA that their foods conformed to
the microbiological standards outlined by Natick laboratories. Food
manufacturing conditions were strict; there were rigid temperature and humidity
controls. Some foods were even processed in clean rooms, similar to the
environment in which McDonnell Aircraft Corporation built the Gemini
spacecraft.[16] If the food producers did not meet the microbiological
standards, food technologists discarded the food.[17] Bauman, who was assigned
to the Gemini and Apollo programs, was well suited for the position of ensuring
the microbiological safety of astronaut food. Dr. Lachance recalled, Bauman was
a microbiologist, “and so he really knew his microbiology. So he was an ideal
person, in some ways, to develop a laboratory where microbiology had to be paid
attention to.”[18]

As work on the Gemini program preceded, Lachance
turned his attention to the Apollo food system. The Apollo Spacecraft program
office (ASPO) required its contractors to comply with certain reliability
standards. Lachance had previously implemented reliability requirements for the
Gemini food system but the ASPO required all contractors to develop prediction
models for their systems to determine “critical failure areas” and then
eliminate those hazards from the system.[19] Food contractors were not exempt
from this requirement and had to sketch out their critical control
points—places in the manufacturing process where the system could break down
and put the hardware at risk. Writing these blueprints forced Pillsbury to
think logically about the steps in their process and identify critical control
points. As the Apollo program matured, Pillsbury continued to revise the list
of critical control points as they went along. Bauman explained what they
learned along the way: “[a]s we worked along in this system, we found certain
critical control points like telephones in the room. They are a good source of
bacteria, unless you sterilize the receiver, that’s something that you really
don’t always think of”, [20] even though NASA required its food contractors to
identify critical control points. NASA also determined them in the
specifications for most Apollo foods, NASA located 17 quality control stations
in the production process; stations had acceptance and rejection standards for
the inspectors, or in NASA-ESE, “go” or “no go.”[21] Aside from monitoring the
critical control points, contractors also had to keep records that documented
the history of a food product.
Records were kept from the moment the raw
foods reached the plant. Logs indicated where the raw materials came from or,
if the product had been processed, the name of the plant that produced the item
and the names of people who worked in the manufacturing of that item. Strict
recordkeeping allowed product tracking, “We knew the latitude and longitude
where the salmon used in the salmon loaf were caught,” Bauman joked.[22] As a
result of his NASA experience, Bauman became one of the biggest proponents of
the HACCP concept, which was introduced to the food industry at the first
national conference on food protection in April 1971, just a few days after
Pillsbury recalled packages of its farina cereal. The conference, sponsored by
the American public health association, opened on April 4 in Denver, Colorado.
The main purpose of the conference was “to develop a comprehensive, integrated
attack on the problem of microbial contamination of foods.”[23] Prevention of
contamination of commercially processed foods. Other panel members included L.
Atkin of Arthur D. Little, inc., James J. Jezeski from Montana State
University, and John h. Silliker of Silliker laboratories, inc., a food testing
laboratory,[24] convinced of the benefits of HACCP, Bauman encouraged his
colleagues to consider the system as a plausible option for the food industry
as a whole. The idea, however, was not immediately embraced, and a second
incident occurred in the summer of 1971.
- John Spriggs and grant isaac, Food Safety and International Competitiveness: The Case of Beef (new York: caBi publishing, 2001), p. 11.
- Dr. William h. Sperber worked with Dr. Bauman at pillsbury, and he and his colleagues recall hearing this anecdote from Bauman. Dr.William H. Sperber, telephone conversation with author,21 June 2006.
- William J.powell,Pillsbury’s Best:A Company History from 1869 (minneapolis:the pillsbury company, 1985), pp. 190–191; pillsbury company, Annual Report for the Year Ended 1973 (minneapolis:the pillsbury company, 1973), p. 1; Sperber, telephone conversation, 21 June 2006.
- “pillsbury recalls cereal; Boxes may contain glass,” The New York Times, 24 march 1971; carole Shifrin,“Warning on farina cereal,” The Washington Post-Times Herald, 25 march 1971.
- Powell, Pillsbury’s Best, p. 190.
- Wolfgang Saxon,“howard Bauman, 76, expert Who Kept food Safe in Space,” The New York Times, 12 august 2001.
- Howard e. Bauman,“the origin of the haccp System and Subsequent evolution,” Food Science and Technology Today 8, no. 2 (June 1994): p. 67.
- “A dividend in food Safety,” [naSa] Spinoff, (1991): p. 52.
- Bauman, “the origin of the haccp System,” p. 67; howard Bauman, “haccp: concept, development, and application,” Food Technology 44, no. 5 (may 1990): p. 156.
- Bauman,“the origin of the haccp System,” p. 68.
- Paul a. lachance interview, houston, tX, 4 may 2006, JSc oral history project, JSc history collection, University of houston-clear lake.
- ibid.
- Natick used “modes of failure” to analyze medical supplies. Bauman,“the origin of the haccp System,” p. 68; Bauman,“haccp,” p. 156.
- Robert a. nanz, edward l. michel, and paul a. lachance,“evolution of Space feeding concepts during the mercury and gemini Space programs,” Food Technology 21 (december 1967): p. 53; Space food Systems contract naS 9-9032 final report, december 1970, Space food Systems: mercury through apollo (december 1970),rita rapp files,center Series,JSc history collection, University of houston-clear lake.
- The microbiological standards were established in 1964. hamed m. el-Bisi, “microbiological requirements of Space food prototypes,” Research and Development Associates for Military Food and Packaging Systems, Inc. 17 (1965):pp.55,57;charlest.Bourland interview,houston,tX,7 april 2006, JSc oral history project, JSc history collection, University of houston-clear lake; edmund m. powers, et al.,“Bacteriology of dehydrated Space foods,” Applied Microbiology 22, no. 3 (September 1971): p. 441.
- Lachance interview, 4 may 2006.
- Space food Systems contract naS 9-9032 final report; powers, “Bacteriology of dehydrated Space foods,” p. 444.
- Lachance interview, 4 may 2006.
- NASA,“reliability program provisions for Space System contractors,” npc 250-1 (Washington, dc: U.S. government printing office, 1963), pp. 3-1, 3-2; lachance interview, 4 may 2006.
- The pillsbury company, research and development department, Development of a Food Quality Assurance Program and the Training of FDA Personnel in Hazard Analysis Techniques (minneapolis:the pillsbury company, 1973), p. 507.
- Malcolm c.Smith,et al.,“apollo experience report—food Systems”naSatn d-7720 (Washington, dc:naSa,1974),p.9.
- Bauman,“the origin of haccp,” p. 68.
- National conference on food protection, Proceedings (Washington, dc: fda, 1972), p. iii.
- ibid., pp. 56–83.
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