Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Risk Assessment for Food Safety - I

Food Safety Systems and Risk Assessment
The most rudimentary processes that historically have been used to preserve foods have also been used to keep foods safe where general principles of heating, cooking, drying, cooling and salting that were reveled thousands of years ago are still the methods by which food safety can be managed in the most basic of settings. As food businesses and their customer base grew larger, distanced by both space and time needs for food manufacturers to consider preservation as a means of maintaining quality products has led to the evolution of modern food safety systems and their accompanying programs. In today’s international marketplace acceptable standards for food safety that use a common language and achieve quality standards of practice are the goals that food safety practitioners focus their attention upon. Considering the context of food safety, assessment of risk and mitigation of risk are the most important part of food safety management systems available. All the HACCP based food safety management systems apply risk assessment as the key criteria to finalize critical control points where prevention and mitigation is taking place to safeguard consumers from the food safety hazards.

The definition of risk is the "possibility of suffering harm or loss; danger" as to the dictionary where scientists use the term risk when assessing potential human health threats from exposure to chemicals or pollutants in the environment. Risk is equal to a person's exposure multiplied by the toxicity of the chemical where exposure is a combination of the concentration of the chemical; a person is exposed to and the length of time they are exposed to that chemical. Toxicity is a measure of the degree to which something is poisonous and is often expressed as a dose-response relationship. Almost every substance is toxic at some dosage, which means; anything in a large enough quantity can be poisonous. For example, an adult ingesting half a cup (400 grams) of salt can be fatal, not only that even water, if consumed in large quantities that can be fatal.

The risks from the foods are also assessed in the same way, but process of risk assessment can be explained as a continuous event, which follows the following order while it practiced. Thus you need to reconsider your risk assessments time to time and consider if there are any new risks has been exposed to the product after initial assessment is conducted.

Estimation of Risks
Estimating risk is a complicated process which involves taking data and multiplying it by a risk factor to determine the likelihood of a health effect. The data must be collected using methods approved for risk assessments and must be verified. I.e. take product samples, measures the chemical levels in the samples and determines if the chemical levels pose a risk to human health. The data is then compared to acute thresholds, chronic thresholds and the probability of disease development.

Exposure and Symptoms
However, the measurements used to determine risk can be very confusing because they are made in unfamiliar quantities. For example, when we speak of exposure, measurements such as micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) are sometimes used. Micrograms per cubic meter describe the concentrations of chemicals in the environment. Concentrations of chemicals in air are typically measured in units of the mass of chemical (milligrams, micrograms) per volume of air (cubic meter). However, concentrations may also be expressed as parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb) by applying a conversion factor. The formula to convert a concentration from micrograms per meter cubed to parts per billion is based on the molecular weight of the chemical and is different for each chemical. Also, atmospheric temperature and pressure affect the calculation. Most of the time a standard atmospheric temperature (25 °C) and atmospheric pressure (1 atm) are used.

Some health problems occur very soon after a person is exposed to a hazard. Symptoms or illnesses occurring from short-term exposure are called acute effects. The immediate effects may be minor (i.e. vomiting, nausea, skin allergies, watery eyes, rash, throat irritation) and may go away once a person is no longer exposed to the hazard. However, some acute exposures may cause serious problems, such as damage to the nerve system. Other health problems may not appear unless a person is exposed to a hazard for many years. These effects are a result of long-term exposure and are called chronic effects. The threshold for chronic effects is usually much lower than the threshold for acute effects since hazard can build up in the body over time.

Process Initiation
The first task is called process initiation – getting started on responding to your customers’ requirements. One strategy is to proceed in the following manner.

Stage 1: Assemble a team
As for food safety management system planning, you need a team that covers a range of disciplines:
A food technologist with knowledge of specific processes and products;
A food microbiologist who knows about microbial ecology;
A statistician to assemble and handle data;
A manager to direct the work

As the manager, it is your task to find the specialists needed to undertake the risk assessment work on behalf of the company. In larger countries with a history of product (e.g. Ice Cream/Soft Drinks) exports, this will not be a great problem. In smaller countries, however, we may need help. Together with WHO, FAO and CODEX has prepared a number of texts, which take you to advanced levels in risk assessments.

Stage 2: Survey the industry
Make a survey of all the products you manufacture and the countries to which you export. This is a straightforward task since every nation keep records.

 Stage 3: Survey product-related illness
Do a preliminary study of product-related (e.g. Ice Cream/Soft Drink) illnesses in the country as well as in countries to which you export. This will set the scene for doing a risk profiling exercise.

If your Health Department keeps records of food poisoning incidents, that is a good place to start your survey. You can make a list of Product-related incidents, linking products with hazards (micro-organisms and toxins) and include these hazards: product pairs in the risk profile. In many countries, however, resources are so scarce that keeping statistics is not a high priority so you should spend some time searching and talking to people who would be likely to know of any illnesses caused by consumption. This is purely anecdotal evidence but has some value – therefore make notes of your conversations. The next stage is to look for statistics from customer countries. If you have Internet access, there are a number of Web sites, where information on food poisonings is included.

Once you have gathered data, assemble them into a summary table. A collection of outbreaks of seafood-related illness in the United States and Australia over the period 1990–2000 is an example of the hazards and products involved in those countries.

The data are valuable because they:
Identify the main hazards;
Provide background on what has caused problems in importing countries.

If you look a little more carefully at the data, you can make a list of hazards and products that will shape your risk profiling exercise.

If you look a little more carefully at the data, you can make a list of hazards and products that will shape your risk profiling exercise.

You now have a list that can form the basis of your risk profile. There may be other perceived issues that need to be added to the list. Some countries perceive these as food safety issues and they also become trade issues, so they are important, and you may wish to assemble some information on them.

Stage 4: Do a risk profile
If you do a risk profile of the industry as a whole this will give you a focus on products and pathogens of most concern. For the purpose of this document, risk profiling is defined as “a description of a food safety problem and its context developed for the purpose of identifying those elements of a hazard or risk that are relevant to risk management decisions”.

This phase of the work entails gathering data in three areas:
Hazard identification
Hazard characterization
Exposure assessment

Once this is done, you will know which pathogen: product pairings should be investigated as a matter of priority.

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