Mycotoxins are a
group of naturally occurring chemicals produced by certain molds/fungi. There
are many such compounds, but only a few of them are regularly found in food and
animal feedstuffs such as grains and seeds. They can grow on a variety of
different crops and foodstuffs including cereals, nuts, spices, dried fruits,
apple juice and coffee, often under warm and humid conditions, where presence
of mycotoxins in grains and other staple foods and feedstuffs has serious
implications for human and animal health. Since they are produced by fungi,
mycotoxins are associated with diseased or moldy crops, although the visible
mold contamination can be superficial. Many countries have enacted regulations
stipulating maximum amounts of mycotoxins permissible in food and feedstuffs.
Most developed countries will not permit the import of commodities containing
amounts of mycotoxins above specified limits, where Mycotoxins have
implications for trade between nations. Thus prevention of fungal invasion of commodities
is by far the most effective method of avoiding mycotoxin problems, where
integrated commodity management program focusing on the maintenance of
commodity quality from the field to the consumer will be one of the best

Types of Mycotoxins
There are five
groups of mycotoxins, which occur quite often in foods from both groups are: deoxynivalenol/nivalenol,
zearalenone, ochratoxin, fumonisins and aflatoxins. T-2 toxin is also found in
a variety of grains but its occurrence, to date, is less frequent than the
preceding five mycotoxins. The fungi that produce mycotoxins in food fall
broadly into two groups: those that invade before harvest, commonly called
field fungi, and those that occur only after harvest, called storage fungi.
are three types of toxicogenic field fungi:
pathogens such as F. graminearum (deoxynivalenol, nivalenol);
that grow on senescent or stressed plants, such as F. moniliforme (fumonisin)
and sometimes A. flavus (aflatoxin); and
that initially colonise in the plant before harvest and predispose the commodity
to mycotoxin contamination after harvest, such as P. verrucosum (ochratoxin)
and A. flavus (aflatoxin).
Mycotoxins in
Grains and Seeds
Fungal Source(s)
of Ingestion
maize, barley reported from
toxicoses India, China, Japan, and Korea. Toxic to animals, especially pigs
maize, wheat
by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a possible human
carcinogen. Affects reproductive system in female pigs
wheat, and many other commodities
by IARC as human carcinogen. Carcinogenic in laboratory animals and pigs
moniliforme plus several less common species
by IARC as human carcinogen. Toxic to pigs and poultry. Cause of equine
eucoencephalomalacia (ELEM), a fatal disease of horses
B1, B2
peanuts, and many other commodities
B1, and naturally occurring mixtures of aflatoxins, identified as potent
human carcinogens by IARC. Adverse effects in various animals, especially
B1, B2, G1, G2
In the case contamination of mycotoxin
contamination, there is a more or less well defined association between the
fungus and its plant host. Aspergillus and Fusarium species are likely to be the
most significant mycotoxin producing field fungi found in tropical developing
countries, i.e., moldy, damaged peanuts. High levels of aflatoxins in this
commodity have frequently been found in parts of South-East Asia due to the
result of poor handling and storage practices. Fusarium kernel rot is one of
the most important ear diseases of maize in hot growing areas which is
associated with warm, dry years and/or insect damage. There is a strong
relationship between insect damage and fusarium kernel rot. It has been found
during field survey work, for example, that the incidence of the European corn
borer increased F. moniliforme disease and fumonisin concentrations. Maize
infected with fusarium kernel rot, one of the most important ear diseases of
maize in hot growing areas because temperature stress of the growing plant is important,
because studies of fumonisin occurrence in maize hybrids grown across the U.S. Corn
Belt, Europe and Africa, indicate that hybrids grown outside their range of
temperature adaptation have higher fumonisin concentrations.

Food Safety and Mycotoxins
The mycotoxins of
most concern from a food safety perspective include the aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1,
G2 and M1), ochratoxin A, patulin and toxins produced by Fusarium moulds,
including fumonisins (B1, B2 and B3), trichothecenes (principally nivalenol,
deoxynivalenol, T-2 and HT-2 toxin) and zearalenone. Mycotoxins can cause a
variety of adverse health effects in humans. Aflatoxins, including aflatoxin B1
are the most toxic and have been shown to be genotoxic i.e. can damage DNA and
cause cancer in animal species. There is also evidence that they can cause
liver cancer in humans. Other mycotoxins have a range of other health effects
including kidney damage, gastrointestinal disturbances, reproductive disorders
or suppression of the immune system. For most mycotoxins, a tolerable daily
intake (TDI) has been established, which estimates the quantity of mycotoxin
which someone can be exposed to daily over a lifetime without it posing a
significant risk to health.

Exposure Methods
When people are
around toxic mold they are usually exposed to airborne mycotoxins by breathing
them in. These mycotoxins end up in the lungs and cause breathing problems and
other severe symptoms. Mycotoxins in the air can also enter through a person's
eyes. Trichothecene mycotoxins can be absorbed through the skin as well. Another
way mycotoxins get into a person's body is by the person eating food with
mycotoxins in it. This can happen if toxic mold has been growing on crops. Many
mycotoxins, for example trichothecene, remain toxic even after being cooked.
This is one reason why mycotoxins are a big problem in agriculture. A binding
agent is used on crops such as grain after harvesting to remove mycotoxins.

Risks of Contamination
The food-borne
mycotoxins likely to be of greatest significance for human health in tropical
developing countries are the fumonisins and aflatoxins. Fumonisins were
discovered as recently as 1988, thus there is little information on their
toxicology. To date, there is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for
the carcinogenicity of cultures of Fusarium moniliforme that contain
significant amounts of fumonisins; and there is limited evidence in
experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of fumonisin B1. F. moniliforme
growing in maize may produce fumonisin B1, a suspected human carcinogen. Also,
fumonisin B1 is toxic to pigs and poultry, and is the cause of equine
leucoencephalomalacia (ELEM), a fatal disease of horses. Fumonisins have been
found as a very common contaminant of maize-based food and feed in Africa,
China, France, Indonesia, Italy, the Philippines, South America, Thailand, and
the USA. Strains of F. moniliforme from maize from all over the
world, including Africa, Argentina, Brazil, France, Indonesia, Italy, the
Philippines, Poland, Thailand, and the USA, produce fumonisins. At present,
strains of F. moniliforme isolated from sorghum are considered to be
poor producers of fumonisins.
of Mycotoxin Contamination – Common Control Measures
Fungi cannot grow (or mycotoxins be produced) in properly dried foods, where
efficient drying of commodities and maintenance of the dry state is an
effective control measure against fungal growth and mycotoxin production. To
reduce or prevent production of most mycotoxins, drying should take place soon
after harvest and as rapidly as feasible. The critical water content for safe
storage corresponds to a water activity (aw) of about 0.7.
Maintenance of foods below 0.7 aw is an effective technique
used throughout the world for controlling fungal spoilage and mycotoxin
production in foods. Problems in maintaining an adequately low aw often
occur in the tropics, where high ambient humidities make control of commodity
moisture difficult. Where grain is held in bags, systems that employ careful
drying and subsequent storage in moisture-proof plastic sheeting may overcome
this problem.
Proper rapid drying is the best means to
avoid fungal growth and mycotoxin production in grain after harvest. At times
when sun drying is not possible or unreliable some form of mechanical drying
may be necessary. While it is possible to control fungal growth in stored
commodities by controlled atmospheres or use of preservatives or natural
inhibitors, such techniques are almost always more expensive than effective
drying, and are rarely feasible in developing countries.

Proper storage Conditions – While keeping commodities dry during
storage in tropical areas can be difficult, the importance of dry storage
cannot be overemphasized. On a small scale, polyethylene bags are effective; on
a large scale, safe storage requires well-designed structures with floors and
walls impermeable to moisture. Maintenance of the water activity of the stored
commodity below 0.7 is crucial. In tropical areas, outdoor humidity is usually
fall well below 70% on sunny days, where appropriately timed ventilation, fan-forced
if necessary, will greatly assist the maintenance of the commodity at below 0.7
aw. Ideally, all large-scale storage areas should be equipped with
instruments for measuring humidity, so that air appropriate for ventilation can
be selected. Sealed storage under modified atmospheres for insect control is
also very effective for controlling fungal growth, provided the grain is
adequately dried before storage, and provided diurnal temperature fluctuations
within the storage are minimized.
If commodities must be stored before
adequate drying, it should be only for short periods of no more than three
days. Use of sealed storage or modified atmospheres will prolong this safe
period, but such procedures are relatively expensive and gaslight conditions
are essential. A proven system of storage management is needed, with mycotoxin
considerations an integral part of it. A range of decision-support systems is
becoming available covering the varying levels of sophistication and scale
Methods of
Eliminating Mycotoxins

Mycotoxins occur, and exert their toxic
effects, in extremely small quantities in foodstuffs where identification and
quantitative assessment generally require sophisticated sampling, sample
preparation, extraction, and analytical techniques. Under practical storage
conditions, the aim should be to monitor for the occurrence of fungi and if fungi
cannot be detected, then there is unlikely to be any mycotoxin contamination.
The presence of fungi indicates the potential for mycotoxin production, and the
need to consider the fate of the batch of commodity affected. While there are
means of decontaminating affected commodities, all are relatively expensive,
and their efficiency is still a matter of debate. The need for simple, rapid,
and efficient mycotoxin analysis methods that can be handled by relatively
unskilled operators has been recognize and some progress made towards
developing them. The U.S. Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS) has evaluated
eight commercially available, rapid tests for aflatoxin in maize. FGIS-approved
kits include rapid ELISA, immune-affinity cartridge, solid-phase ELISA, and
selective adsorbent mini-column procedures. There remains a need for efficient,
cost-effective sampling and analysis methods that can be used in developing
country laboratories. Various governments have set regulatory limits for
mycotoxins in food and animal foodstuffs presented for sale or import. For
aflatoxin, guidelines range from 4 to 50 µg/kg (parts per billion). Regulatory
limits for fumonisin are under consideration. For all mycotoxins, it is likely
that, as analytical techniques and knowledge of the toxins improve, allowable
limits will fall.