Export Compliances
of Tea
Made Tea, processed leaves of Camellia sinensis, has been imported
into Europe for over 200 years with few, if any, reported safety concerns and
has consequently been deemed to be ‘low’ risk in terms of food safety, which is
an agricultural product that is predominantly grown, harvested and processed in
developing countries. Made tea is sold on the world market either by Public
Auction or Private Treaty (either directly by the producer or via a broker or
Thus it is generally impractical for the buyers to exert any direct control
over the tea manufacturing process or to directly control food safety issues
addressed during the process which is controlled in EU through Regulation (EC)
No 852/2004 concerning the hygiene of foodstuffs places an obligation on food
business operators to ensure that all stages of production, processing and
distribution of food under their control satisfies the relevant hygiene
requirements laid down in the Regulation. It requires all food business
operators put in place, implement and maintain a permanent procedure or
procedures based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
principles which will also apply to tea processors carrying out any stage of
production, processing and distribution of food after primary production and
associated operations. The same requirements are requested in other food safety
standards and buyers in different regions, thus common understanding is that, procedures
based on the HACCP principles should not only apply to primary production of
tea but food hazards present at all the steps of primary production and
associated operations should be identified and adequately controlled to ensure
the achievement of the objectives of food safety.
Here is the rest of the food safety issues
considered from last article.
Foreign matter or physical contaminants can
be extraneous material naturally associated with tea, e.g. parts of other
plants growing nearby, or foreign material introduced during the process, such
as stones, glass, metal, scale, insect fragments, jewelry, packaging
materials etc. Thus teas received by packers can contain a variety of
extraneous matters, but there are various steps in the manufacturing process
designed to remove foreign matter, where the quantity present is very low and
its nature presents little food safety risk. The considered low risk is further
reduced, because stringent cleaning processes employed by the packer and the
manner in which the consumer prepares the beverage.
However, tea is mostly contaminated with iron particles due to various machinates use as well as their direct contact with the product. Thus iron removal is considered as stage wise process, where magnets are usually located in dryer mouth, winnower belt, colour sorter to catch iron particles in various stages of the process.
There are no reported microbiological food
safety hazards relating to made tea. However, there are risks in the
contamination at the processing stages due to environmental factors or
personnel hygiene which is arrested at the drying process. However, tea
contains a natural level of micro-organisms but tea has low water activity,
where it presents negligible hazard providing that tea is kept dry.
But in a hazard assessment, you need to
consider following microbes as potential biological hazards and then you can
justify your decision of they have low risk to cause food safety contaminations
at initial stages of processing, but you need to have appropriate preventive
measures established before you claim the low risk in your production
Aflatoxins are a group of mycotoxins produced
by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. These may grow in plant
leaves, nuts, dried fruit and infect stored cereal grains where they produce
the aflatoxins. When such toxins are formed they do not go away. They are heat
stable, and thus stay in the food along the food chain, unaffected by heat
treatments such as pasteurization. When a cow eats a feed contaminated with
aflatoxin B1, the activity of the cow changes the aflatoxin B1 to aflatoxin M1,
which ends up in the milk (Johnsson, 2006).
The toxicity of aflatoxin is mainly due to
its carcinogenicity. This is because aflatoxins are genotoxic, meaning it
affects the genetic material. Genotoxins have a direct dose-response
relationship, so they do not have a threshold dose to exceed before they have
effect. Thus, there is no tolerable daily intake (TDI) for aflatoxins, which
are to be kept at a level as low as possible. Though, maximum levels are set in
the European Union, for example 0.05 μg/kg of milk for aflatoxin M1.

Mycotoxins in the product can only be
prevented at the source where the mould infection occurs, since the toxins are
impossible to remove. In the case of made tea, control measures could be taken
at the production and handling.
Except for the opinions, there are no proper
examples available to prove aflatoxin contamination in made tea. Thus, there is a very minimal risk for
getting the aflatoxins into the made tea. Since aflatoxins have a cumulative
negative effect in humans they shall be considered as hazards in the HACCP plan
of the ISO 22000 FSMS.
Salmonella spp.
Salmonella spp. is a gram-negative,
facultative anaerobic organism, which does not form spores. Growth occurs at 5
– 47°C, and the organism is heat sensitive. It is a zoonotic organism, which
may be found in different animals’ guts.
Because Salmonella may be found in animals,
it has a good chance of contaminating foodstuff of animal origin, like meat,
milk and egg. For an example, Sweden and Finland there is zero-tolerance
regarding Salmonella infection among domestic animals, which lowers the risk of
human infection. Good handling and heat treatment of the food is necessary to
decrease the risk.
Salmonella may cause either enteritis or a
systemic infection. The gastrointestinal infection has symptoms as milk fever,
vomiting and diarrhoea lasting for a few days up to more than a week. The
infectious dose is in the order of 106 cells, but in some cases it has been
much lower than that. The systemic infection is caused by invasive,
host-adapted serotypes. The bacteria then spread in the body and causes fever,
headache and diarrhoea. Salmonella infection may be fatal.
The tea leaves are plucked and heaped on the
floor or in the field and transported to the factory with high risk of
contamination form humans due to handling. The raw material further directly
handled by many operators during withering, rolling, fermentation, sifting and
packing, which increase the risk of Salmonella infection. Hence, there is a
risk for Salmonella contamination in the product. Luckily the organism’s heat sensitivity
makes it possible to eliminate with LTHT treatment. The severity of the disease
in combination with the risk makes Salmonella a hazard to target in the HACCP
Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli are in the family
Enterobacteriaceae, gram negative, rod shaped, non-spore forming, and motile or
non-motile. They can grow under aerobic and anaerobic conditions where grow
best at 37⁰C. Therefore, it is easy to eradicate
by simple boiling or basic sterilization.
E. coli O157:H7 is a well-studied strain
of the bacterium E. coli, which produces Shiga-like toxins, causing severe
illness. E. coli is transmitted to humans primarily through consumption of
contaminated foods, faecal contamination of water and other foods. Infectious
dose of E. Coli is 106 - 108 logs of organisms.
The tea leaves are plucked and heaped on the
floor or in the field and transported to the factory with high risk of
contamination or cross contamination from humans due to handling. The raw
material further directly handled by many operators during withering, rolling,
fermentation, sifting and packing, which increase the risk of E. coli
infection. Hence, there is a risk for E. coli contamination in the product due
to poor personal hygiene and improper cleaning of utensils. Luckily the
organism’s heat sensitivity makes it possible to eliminate with LTHT treatment.
The severity of the disease in combination with the risk makes E. coli a hazard
to target in the HACCP plan.
Staphylococcus aureus

The bacteria are common in the environment
and are often found on skin, nose, mouth or boils and cuts of people. The
product may generally become contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus from the
raw materials or from human contact.
Generally, it takes high numbers and growth
of Staphylococcus aureus to cause a hazard with a medium dose. The symptoms of
Staphylococcus aureus food poisoning are nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps,
prostration, diarrhoea and last for 6 to 24 hours.
Proper cooking, fermentation, cooling,
storage and personal hygiene of food handlers can prevent growth while
minimizing cross contamination of Staphylococcus aureus and more importantly,
the production of their toxins. However, cooking will not destroy toxins once
they are formed in food.
Radioactivity of Japanese Tea
Following the March 11th earthquake and
subsequent problems at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, reports
surfaced of radiation in the Japanese food supply. After immediate concern for
the Japanese people, many people began to wonder: how will this affect tea?
Because tea is a $1.3 billion (2009) industry for Japan and it is beyond the
tea leaves used for brewing a fresh cup, green tea is also used in flavouring
for many Japanese products. Ground dried tea leaves are processed into
seasonings for foods like cookies and ice cream, leaving the potential for
further radiation exposure in the food supply.
The disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
power plant led to the release of radioactive isotopes into the air
(predominantly cesium-137 and iodine-131, and some cesium-134), where exact
amount of radioactivity released into the air is unknown, but it is estimated
to be 770,000 trillion Becquerels (a unit of measure - Bq) of radioactive
particles. This formed a large plume that generally followed the major wind
patterns and moved most of the radiation east, over the Pacific Ocean while,
some radioactive contamination moved into other areas of Japan since
atmospheric events like rain, low pressure systems, wind changes and the
altitude of the plume affect movement. Considering the radioactive chemicals,
Cesium-137 is more of a long-term concern than iodine-131, as the Cesium
isotope’s half-life (the length of time required for the amount of the
substance to reduce by half) is about 30 years vs. iodine-131’s half-life of 8
days. There is a short-term risk of thyroid damage if radioactive iodine in
food is absorbed into the body and accumulates.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) jointly set standards for radiation in
food products, through Codex General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in
Food and Feed, which contain Codex Guideline Levels, which is maximum of 1000
Bq/kg for cesium-137 and 100 Bq/kg for iodine-131. In comparison, the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration has a border intervention level of 1200 Bq/kg of Cesium
for imported goods. Another variable is how much of the radioactive material
actually enters the liquid when the leaves are steeped. The tests the Japanese
Tea Exporters’ Association conducted (10g leaves/430 ml water/90C/60 seconds)
with leaves sampled in May found that steeped tea from Shizuoka is safe to
drink. There is little conclusive information on how much radioactive material
could get into the tea liquid, since there are so many factors involved in both
processing and brewing tea, and some teas are steeped multiple times; estimates
have ranged anywhere from 2% to 16%.