and Quality of Water
From the
processor’s perspective, water quality and safety begins at the source of the
raw materials and the key to good water safety and quality management is for
all manufacturing facilities to have effective programs in place to control
water microbiological, chemical and physical quality and to verify that the
water meets specified requirements for both direct and indirect product uses.
Because, water may be adulterated by a number of chemical, heavy metal,
microbial and physical hazards that pose potential public health risks if they are
present at high levels. The water risk management plans need to consider above
risks in risk analysis process, where microbial hazards include waterborne
pathogens such as E. coli, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes,
Vibrio cholera, viruses and parasites, such as Hepatitis A virus, Giardia
and Crytosporidium parvum. Chemical
and heavy metal hazards in water range from the presence of lead, copper,
methyl-tertiary-butyl-ether (MTBE), total trihalomethanes (TTHM), arsenic and
benzene, to name a few. Physical hazards may include natural particulates, and
glass and metal fragments. The potential for any one of these hazards to be present
in a facility’s water supply requires, where food manufacturers to develop a
solid water quality and safety management strategy.
Developing a risk-based water monitoring program, or water safety/quality assurance procedure, as part of ongoing food safety management system while considering Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) requirements to comply with any national or international quality/ safety requirements is an excellent way to ensure that effective controls for water are achieved to prevent product exposure to spoilage or pathogenic microorganisms, to potential chemical contaminants and to possible physical hazards. Assessing and monitoring water quality and safety includes considering incoming water requirements, water utilities controls and treatments, and microbiological and chemical sampling and testing protocols that best meet your operation’s needs.
Quality Analysis

Along these lines, processors should always request that the city provide them with water test results, but provided results are those obtained at the water treatment facilities. Having city water records does not preclude the processor from testing water from their own operations, however, it is your duty to test your supply. If water from multiple sources is being used (wells, city or wherever), be sure that samples from each source are tested separately. Considering the testing schedule, both microbiological and chemical parameters should be tested, because these analyses may be used to do more than just assure safety of your food and ingredients. Knowing the chemistry of the water coming into the plant will help in other areas, where microbial analyses should include total counts and coliforms. If there are concerns that the water may have been contaminated with runoff from fields or elsewhere, you may want to look for pathogens or parasites. Chemical tests should include pH, water hardness, heavy metals, pesticides, iron and nitrates. Water samples for complete chemical analyses should collected at least once a year and submitted to a recognized and accredited water testing laboratory.
Testing the microbiological quality of the water should be done more frequently, and be sure to establish documented programs for water sampling. The instructions should include how to sample, how often to sample and where to sample. The procedure should also instruct what tests should be done and the methods for doing the work as well as reference standard test and identification codes for verification purposes. If third parties are to be used for sampling and/or testing, be sure that the follow your procedures. Maintain all your records and testing procedures in a separate file or binder so that test results may be quickly and easily accessed.
Installing sample ports on water lines is a good idea, provided they are installed properly. Don’t leave a large deadleg. It is also a good idea to allow the sample port to “run” for a short period to flush the port. If water samples are being collected for microbiological testing and the water is chlorinated, be sure that the sampling program includes a step to neutralize any residual chlorine (your sampling schedule should guide to include a thiosulfate tablet in the field sampling kit, that will meet this need).
There are processors who have built additional safety into their systems by
treating all waters entering the plant with chemicals or by UV light systems.
Whether the added costs are worthwhile, only time will tell, but no effort to
assure safety should be criticized.
Standard Operation
Procedure for Water Safety and Quality – An Example
The following example is a generic
water quality and safety procedure which might not be a very comprehensive
document, but it provides the way you need to consider about your water
treatment program based on your own requirements.
1.1 This
SOP covers the initial processing and preservation of water quality samples
collected for analysis of pH, alkalinity, turbidity, apparent color, specific
conductivity, total and volatile suspended solids, soluble reactive phosphorus,
dissolved and total P, ammoniatot, nitrate + nitrite, dissolved and total N,
dissolved and total organic carbon, major cations (Ca, Mg, Na, K), metals (e.g.
Fe, Mn), and major anions (SO4, Cl, F).
1.2 It
assumes that one 1-liter sample has been collected for measurement of
turbidity, apparent color, and suspended solids, 1-2 syringes have been
collected for analysis of pH and alkalinity, and one 1-liter sample has been
collected for the analysis of the remaining water quality parameters.
Definitions - N/A
B. Health
and Safety Warnings - Lab coats, gloves, and safety glasses should be worn when
working with acids. Addition of strong acids to samples for preservation should
be done under a hood.
C. Interferences - Samples can be contaminated through hand contact (e.g. Na, Cl, PO4),
through contact with unclean surfaces, through aerial deposition (dust), or
through dissolution of acid aerosols released from strong acids. Disposable
gloves should be worn when processing samples to avoid hand contact. Samples
and filters should not be touch directly; filters may be handled with forceps.
Samples should not be left standing uncovered. Samples should be processed in
the order described below to avoid cross-contamination from acids used in
preservation. Ideally, acidification of samples with HNO3 or H3PO4
should take place in a room other than that used for processing of nutrient or
anion samples. Samples should be divided and filtered within 24 hours of
collection. Samples must be shaken well before splitting; otherwise sample
characteristics will be biased and subsequent analyses invalid. Nutrient and
organic carbon samples may deteriorate (mineralize) if left at room temperature
for too long; these should be kept at 4ºC until processing, and then analyzed
or frozen or preserved with acid until analysis.
3.1 Personnel
should be familiar with general lab safety practices and steps necessary to avoid
contaminating samples. Personnel preparing samples for the first time should be
supervised by a staff member familiar with these procedures, and blanks samples
be prepared and processed to ensure good techniques have been followed.
4.1 Materials
4.1.1 Nalgene-type filtration units (250 mL
capacity), Vacuum pump, or hand pump, or lab vacuum (least desirable), Vacuum
tubing or thick-walled Tygon tubing
4.1.2 Ultrex HNO3 (or equivalent)
4.1.3 Phosphoric acid (H3PO4)
4.1.4 Calibrated Eppendorf (or equivalent)
pipettes (Repeating Eppendorf or 10-100 μL pipette)
4.1.5 Deionized water in wash bottle
4.1.6 10% HCl in wash bottle
4.1.7 10% HNO3 in wash bottle
4.1.8 Membrane filters (Millipore) (< 0.45
μ pore diameter; 47 mm diameter) and forceps
4.1.9 Glass fiber filters as prefilters for
turbid samples (47 mm diameter, e.g. GF A/E)
4.1.10 Pre-cleaned sample bottles (see pages
10-11 for volumes needed)
4.1.11 Pre-printed sample labels (corresponding
to numbers on field-collected samples) Sample numbers on the 1-L composite samples
(C-nnnn) should match those on the subsamples poured off and/or filtered from
the main sample
4.1.12 Sample tracking sheet
filtering (for filtered sample processing)
4.2.1 Clean and soak filtration apparatus
for at least one hour in deionized (DIW) water or 10% HCl or 10% HNO3
prior to filtering samples.
4.2.2 Rinse each filtration apparatus at
least 3x with DI water prior to filtering samples. Use forceps when handling o-rings to avoid
contamination. When putting filtration apparatus back
together, check to make sure that all o-rings are in place and in good
condition to prevent leakage.
Using clean forceps, place filter(s) on
the base of the filtration apparatus. Do not touch filter or inside of filtration
unit with your hands; disposable gloves should be worn. Make sure filter is centered and does not
overlap around edges of unit.
Replace top of filtering apparatus on
bottom and tighten using the white ring around bottom of top unit, while
holding down top of unit.
Wiggle the top of the unit to make sure
it is screwed down snugly; if it is not, it will leak around the edges.
4.2.3 Filter cation, anion, dissolved
nutrient, and dissolved organic carbon subsamples from 1-L composite sample
(C-nnnn) bottle as follows: Anion and samples will be filtered with the
DI-water washed filtration apparatus. Nutrient samples will be filtered with the
HCl-washed filtration apparatus. Cation and organic carbon samples will be
filtered with the HNO3 -washed filtration apparatus.
4.2.4 The composite sample (C-nnnn) should
be shaken thoroughly before dividing into samples as to eliminate analysis
4.2.5 Put approximately 20 mL of sample from
composite (C-nnnn) bottle into the top of the unit, swirl, and apply suction to
the filter. The filtering apparatus is attached to the
vacuum tubing and uses the vacuum pump to suction. Release vacuum from base of unit by
releasing cap on side port of filtration unit.
4.2.6 Swirl the water around the bottom of
the apparatus and discard, or use to rinse out subsample bottles if only a
small amount of parent sample is available. Rinse pre-cleaned cation (M), anion (AN),
nutrient (FN), or organic carbon (FC) bottle with a little filtered sample and
discard before filling bottle completely
4.2.7 Fill FN bottle to just below neck to
allow for sample expansion during freezing. Place FN bottle in freezer, AN
bottle in refrigerator, and FC and M bottles in hood for acid additions.
4.2.8 Rinse filtering apparatus with
appropriate 10% acid solution and 3X DIW between samples. If an organic matter film builds up on the
HCl-apparatus, it may need to be wiped out or scrubbed and re-soaked before
additional use.
4.2.9 If sample is very turbid, a pre-filter
may be needed on top of the membrane filter.
4.3 Sample
splitting (for unfiltered sample processing)
4.3.1 The composite sample (C-nnnn) should
be shaken thoroughly before dividing into samples as to eliminate analysis
4.3.2 The composite sample for unfiltered
samples will be poured into 2 sample bottles:
1) unfiltered
nutrients (labeled UN-nnnn) and
2) total organic
carbon (labeled UC-nnnn).
4.3.3 Fill UN bottle to just below neck to
allow for sample expansion during freezing. Place UN bottle in freezer, and UC
bottle in hood for acid additions.
4.4 Sample
4.4.1 Freeze nutrient samples (FN, UN).
4.4.2 Refrigerate anion samples (AN).
4.4.3 Acidify cation (M) samples to pH 1-2
with Ultrex HNO3 and refrigerate. (Start with 100 uL, check pH, add
in 50 uL increments until desired pH).
Check pH on a subset of samples by
pouring a small amount of sample into a beaker and testing with pH paper.
4.4.4 Acidify organic carbon samples (FC,
UC) to pH 1-2 with 50% phosphoric acid (use 4 drops ~50uL then check pH) and
refrigerate. Check pH on a subset of samples by pouring a
small amount of sample into a beaker and testing with pH paper.
4.5 Sample storage and tracking
4.5.1 Samples will be stored in CT rooms
(refrigerated samples: UC, FC, AN, M) or in the core freezer (FN, UN) in
labeled boxes by sample type.
4.5.2 Check the labels on the shelves for
the proper location of different sample types for the WSDT project. The box should be labeled with the date,
batch number (corresponds to date of collection, e.g. 6/10/16 = batch 910),
team, project, sample type, and holding time. Use preprinted labels provided
for this purpose.
4.5.3 Fill out sample tracking sheet with
each sample set processed.
A. Computer Hardware and Software - Sample
tracking sheets are generated in Paradox after sample numbers are entered from
water quality sample field sheets into the R:\WATERSHD\WQ97\SAMPLES.DB file and
B. Data Management and Records Management
- See Water Quality Information Management Plan for details. Samples are
tracked by a unique sample code and batch number (corresponding to collection
6.1 Field sample blanks, field bottle blanks,
and field duplicate samples are all processed the same as blind samples at this
point. Laboratory filter blanks are done with every filtering event. These
blanks are used in analyses for background determinations.
6.2 QA sample types are recorded on field
sheet sample forms and tracked through the information management system.
7.1 APHA. 1992. Standard methods for the
examination of water and wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington, D.C.
7.2 U.S. EPA. 1983. Methods for chemical
analysis of water and wastes. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati,
Ohio. EPA_600/4-79-020.
7.3 U.S. EPA. 1988. Chemical characteristics
of streams in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern United States (National Stream
Survey - Phase I): Volume I: Population descriptions and physico-chemical
relationships. Office of Acid Deposition, Environmental Monitoring and Quality
Assurance, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/3-88/021a.